There are two data sets of eye scans available. The first of these is a set fundus images of which the are c. 7.0 million. The other is a set of OCT scans of which there are c. 440, 000.
This dataset contains routine clinical ophthalmology data for every patient who have been seen at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Diabetic Retinopathy screening program at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, with longitudinal follow-up for 15 years. Key data included are: • Total number of patients. • Demographic information (including age, sex and ethnicity) • Past ocular history • Intravitreal injections • Length of time since eye diagnosis • Visual acuity • The national screening diabetic grade category (seven categories from R0M0 to R3M1) • Reason for sight and severe sight impairment
Geography University Hospitals Birmingham is set within the West Midlands and it has a catchment population of circa 5.9million. The region includes a diverse ethnic, and socio-economic mix, with a higher than UK average of minority ethnic groups. It has a large number of elderly residents but is the youngest population in the UK. There are particularly high rates of diabetes, physical inactivity, obesity, and smoking.
Data source: Ophthalmology department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom. The Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Data Set, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom. They manage over 200,000 patients, with longitudinal follow-up up to 15 years, making this the largest urban diabetic screening scheme in Europe.
Pathway: The routine secondary care follow-up in the hospital eye services for all ophthalmic diseases at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country dataset is representative of the patient pathway for community screening and grading of diabetic eye disease.