Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is the leading cause of infectious death and the third leading cause of death globally. Disease severity and outcomes are highly variable, dependent on host factors (such as age, smoking history, frailty and comorbidities), microbial factors (the causative organism) and what treatments are given. Clinical decision pathways are complex and despite guidelines, there is significant national variability in how guidelines are adhered to and patient outcomes.
For clinicians treating pneumonia in the hospital setting, care of these patients can be challenging. Key decisions include the type of antibiotics (oral or intravenous), the appropriate place of care (home, hospital or intensive care), and when it is appropriate to stop antibiotics. Decision support tools to help inform clinical management would be highly valuable to the clinical community.
This dataset is synthetic, formed from statistical modelling using real patient data, and represents a population with significant diversity in terms of patient demography, socio-economic status, CAP severity, treatments and outcomes. It can be used to develop code for deployment on real data, train data analysts and increase familiarity with this disease and its management.
PIONEER geography: The West Midlands (WM) has a population of 5.9 million & includes a diverse ethnic & socio-economic mix.
EHR. UHB is one of the largest NHS Trusts in England, providing direct acute services & specialist care across four hospital sites, with 2.2 million patient episodes per year, 2750 beds & an expanded 250 ITU bed capacity during COVID. UHB runs a fully electronic healthcare record (EHR) (PICS; Birmingham Systems), a shared primary & secondary care record (Your Care Connected) & a patient portal “My Health”. This synthetic dataset has been modelled to reflect data collected from this EHR.
Scope: A synthetic dataset which has been statistically modelled on all hospitalised patients admitted to UHB with Community Acquired Pneumonia. The dataset includes highly granular patient demographics & co-morbidities taken from ICD-10 & SNOMED-CT codes. Serial, structured data pertaining to process of care including timings, admissions, escalation of care to ITU, discharge outcomes, physiology readings (heart rate, blood pressure, AVPU score and others), blood results and drug prescribing and administration.
Available supplementary data: Matched synthetic controls; ambulance, OMOP data, real patient CAP data. Available supplementary support: Analytics, Model build, validation & refinement; A.I.; Data partner support for ETL (extract, transform & load) process, Clinical expertise, Patient & end-user access, Purchaser access, Regulatory requirements, Data-driven trials, “fast screen” services.