PIONEER geography: The West Midlands (WM) has a population of 5.9million & includes a diverse ethnic, socio-economic mix. There is a higher than average % of minority ethnic groups. WM has a large number of elderly residents but is the youngest population in the UK. There are particularly high rates of physical inactivity, obesity, smoking & diabetes. WM has a high prevalence of COPD, reflecting the high rates of smoking and industrial exposure. Each day >100,000 people are treated in hospital, see their GP or are cared for by the NHS. This is the SAMBA dataset from 4 NHS hospitals.
EHR: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) is one of the largest NHS Trusts in England, providing direct acute services & specialist care across four hospital sites, with 2.2 million patient episodes per year, 2750 beds & 100 ITU beds. UHB runs a fully electronic healthcare record (EHR) (PICS; Birmingham Systems), a shared primary & secondary care record (Your Care Connected) & a patient portal “My Health”.
Scope: All patients from 2015 onwards, curated to focus on Stroke. Longitudinal & individually linked, so that the preceding & subsequent health journey can be mapped & healthcare utilisation prior to & after admission understood. The dataset includes highly granular patient demographics, co-morbidities taken from ICD-10 & SNOMED-CT codes. Serial, structured data pertaining to process of care (admissions, wards and discharge outcomes), presenting complaints, therapies, all physiology readings (pulse, temperature, blood pressure, screening for dysphagia, all sample analysis results (urine specimens, blood specimens), all prescribed & administered treatments and all outcomes.
Available supplementary data: More extensive data including granular serial physiology, bloods, conditions, interventions, treatments. Ambulance, 111, 999 data, synthetic data.
Available supplementary support: Analytics, Model build, validation & refinement; A.I.; Data partner support for ETL (extract, transform & load) process, Clinical expertise, Patient & end-user access, Purchaser access, Regulatory requirements, Data-driven trials, “fast screen” services.